Prime Minister and Senior BJP leader Narendra Modi today addressed a public rally in Malda in support of party’s Uttar Malda and Dakshin Malda candidates. He pointed to the corruption of ruling party of Trinamool Congress (TMC). He said, due to misgovernance of TMC, a large number of candidates have lost their jobs in the School Service Commission (SSC) recruitment in the state. Recently the Kolkata High Court has cancelled the SSC 2016 recruitment.
CBI is investigating the teachers recruitment scam. It is alleged that ruling party leaders have taken money for giving jobs under the SSC recruitment. Mr. Modi has said under the rule of Trinamool Congress women are not safe and Sandeshkhali has proved that. He alleged that women in Malda also had faced the misrule of TMC.
He alleged that TMC has not implemented various welfare schemes of central government and people of Malda will see the development of Modi government if BJP comes to power. He said, if Bengal lags behind India cannot go ahead.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).