BJP leader and Union Minister General V K Singh today said the elections provide a chance to change things for the better. Addressing a public meeting at Aluva in support of NDA candidate K A Unnikrishanan in Chalakkudy constituency in Kerala, he said, the changes thus brought about will have its impact on various sectors of the state. General Singh also took part in a vehicle rally organised as part of the event. Later interacting with ex-servicemen at Angamaly, he said the BJP led government took several steps for the welfare of the armed forces personnel.
CPI-M leader and Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan today observed that the forthcoming general elections should serve as an opportunity to protect secularism in the country. Addressing a public meeting at Mattannur in Kannur in Kerala, he criticised the Congress for not opposing CAA and the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu Kashmir. He said Congress leader Rahul Gandhi is silent on CAA, an issue which did not find any mention in the party’s election manifesto. The CPI-M leader also alleged that the 18 members who represented Kerala in Parliament endorsed the BJP’s stand on such issues. The LDF leader said the 2024 general election is an opportunity to evaluate the performance of the 18 MPs who won the 2019 polls.
BJP leader and Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has observed that UDF and LDF are hoodwinking people in Kerala, as they oppose each other in the state, while they are in alliance in other states.
He was addressing a public meeting in Tripunithura in support of the NDA candidate in Ernakulam constituency this evening.
He said NDA opponents are engaged in false propaganda regarding the Manipur issue in Kerala.
The Assam Chief Minister also held a roadshow in the town, in support of the NDA candidate.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).