In Karnataka, the sitting JD(S) MP from Hassan constituency, Prajwal Revanna was today suspended from the party over explicit videos allegedly showing him sexually assaulting multiple women that went viral. Prajwal Revanna is also contesting in the upcoming elections from Hassan. Mr. Prajwal is the grandson of JD(S) supremo and former Prime Minister Deve Gowda and son of Holenarasipur MLA H D Revanna. Based on a complaint by a victim, a police complaint is lodged against Prajwal Revanna and the state government has ordered an SIT probe into the allegations. Before the police complaint was lodged, Prajwal Revanna is said to have left for Germany on Saturday morning.
Akashwani correspondent report that the alleged sexual abuse case against Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna has taken political colour due to the ensuing election in the state on May 7th. The Youth Congress members continued to hold protests across the state on the issue. When they tried to enter the BJP office today, the police took them into preventive custody. The Deputy Chief Minister in the state D K Shivakumar has alleged that the issue was known to JD(S) and BJP leaders and still Prajwal Revanna was given the ticket from Hassan. The JD(S) leader H D Kumaraswamy has alleged that D K Shivakumar is behind the sexual assault videos. He informed that Union Home minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah has desired investigation into the allegations.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).