Haryana School Education Board Bhiwani has announced the result of the Senior Secondary (Academic and Open School) Annual Examination-2024 today. Candidates can check their exam results on the official website of the board, www.bseh.org.in.
Sharing more details, Board Chairman, Dr. V.P. Yadav said that the pass percentage for regular candidates in the Senior Secondary (Academic) examination is 85.31 percent, while it is 65.32 percent for open school candidates.
He shared that a total of 2,13,504 candidates appeared for the Senior Secondary (Academic) examination, out of which 1,82,136 passed and 6,169 candidates failed. The pass percentage of female students is 5.62 percent more than the male students.
Dr. V.P. Yadav informed that the pass percentage of government schools in this examination was 83.35 percent and that of private schools was 88.12 percent. The pass percentage of rural area students in this examination was 86.17 percent, while that of urban area students was 83.53 percent. He further informed that the pass percentage was the highest in Mahendragarh district.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).