In wrestling, India’s star woman grapplers, Vinesh Phogat, Anshu Malik, and Reetika Hooda, clinched the Paris Olympics 2024 quota at the Asian Olympic qualifiers in Kyrgyzstan’s Bishkek. Phogat beat Laura Ganikyzy of Kazakhstan, 10-Nil, in the 50 kg category, while Anshu defeated Laylokhon Sobirova of Uzbekistan in the 57 kg category, 11-Nil. Reetika defeated Hui T. Chang of Chinese Taipei, 7-Nil, in the 76 kg category. The Commonwealth and Asian Games winner, Phogat, won the bout via technical superiority against the Kazakh wrestler. Phogat will now face Aktenge Keunimjaeva of Uzbekistan. The 2021 World Championship silver medalist Anshu will take on Kexin Hong of China, while Reetika is scheduled to face Juan Wang of China. Another Indian, Mansi Ahlawat, faced a defeat against Hyon G. Mun of North Korea, Nil-6. The upcoming World Qualifiers in Turkey on May 9 present the last opportunity for wrestlers to secure quotas for the Paris Games.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).