In Sailing, India’s Nethra Kumanan has bagged the Paris Olympics quota at the Last Chance Regatta in Hyeres, France. Competing in the women’s dinghy, ILCA 6, Nethra managed 67 net points to finish fifth on the overall leaderboard yesterday. However, she secured the Olympic quota as the top performer among sailors from the Emerging Nations Program, ENP. The ENP is an initiative designed to enable athletes from lesser-known sailing countries make an impact at the top level.
Nethra is the second Indian sailor to secure a ticket to the upcoming Paris Olympics. Earlier in January this year, Vishnu Saravanan had secured India’s first sailing quota at the ILCA 7 Men’s World Championship 2024 in Australia.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).