Scrutiny of nomination papers for the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections will take place today. The filing of nominations for this phase ended last evening. A total of 96 Lok Sabha seats spread over nine States and a Union Territory will go to polls in this phase on the 13th of next month. The last day for the withdrawal of candidature for this phase is Monday. Voting across all 25 constituencies of Andhra Pradesh, 17 of Telangana, 13 of Uttar Pradesh, 11 of Maharashtra, 8 each of Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal, 5 of Bihar, 4 each of Jharkhand and Odisha and one seat of Jammu and Kashmir will be held in this phase.
In Madhya Pradesh, 154 nomination papers have been filed by 101 candidates for the fourth and final phase of Lok Sabha elections in the state. On the last day of filing nomination papers, 43 candidates submitted 71 nomination papers yesterday.
In Telangana, over 890 candidates have filed 1488 nomination papers for all 17 Lok Sabha Constituencies for upcoming elections. The elections are set to witness multi-cornered contests in some constituencies as a large number of aspirants filed their nominations till yesterday on the last day for filing nominations.
Meanwhile, campaigning for later phases of polling is in full swing. Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah will address public meetings in Ashoknagar and Rajgarh today.
On the other hand, State Congress President Jitu Patwari, Rajya Sabha MP Vivek Tankha and former Union Minister Arun Yadav will campaign in Burhanpur today. In Bihar Prime Minister and Senior BJP leader Narendra Modi will address two public meetings today in Bihar in support of NDA candidates. First rally will be held at Forbesganj Airport Ground in Araria parliamentary constituency while the second rally will be held at Safiasarai Airport Ground in Munger parliamentary constituency.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).