In Uttar Pradesh, more than 1.67 crore voters will decide the fate of 91 candidates on 8 seats in the second phase of elections. Akashvani Lucknow correspondent reports that polling started peacefully on 17704 polling booths of the 8 Lok Sabha seats of UP where voting is underway during second phase of general elections. These seats are spread over western, and Braj regions of the state. It includes Amroha, Ghaziabad, Gautam Budh Nagar, Aligarh, Meerut, Bulandshahr, Mathura and Baghpat. Out of these 8 seats, 7 seats were bagged by BJP in 2019 except Amroha where Danish Ali of BSP won the political battle. This time he is contesting from Congress-Samajwadi Party alliance from the same seat.
While all eyes will be on Mathura and Meerut constituencies where film stars Hema Malini and Arun Govil are trying their luck, Baghpat is one seat where after 4 decades someone from outside of Chaudhary Charan Singh family is contesting elections. RLD candidate Rajkumar Sangwan is in direct fight with Samajwadi Party and BSP candidates on this seat. A total of 91 candidates including 10 women are in the fray on these 8 constituencies.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).