In Telangana, Peddapally sitting Member of Parliament, Venkatesh Neta, who joined the Congress from the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) in February this year, has joined the BJP today. Along with former minister Peddireddy, he joined the BJP in the presence of Union Ministers and BJP Party President G Kishan Reddy and Union Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Dr L Murugan in Hyderabad.
Speaking on the occasion, Kishan Reddy alleged that the congress was trying to mislead the people by morphing videos of Union Minister Amit Shah and tried for political advantage. He reiterated that reservations to the downtrodden cannot be removed by anyone and said BJP and RSS have already made it clear that reservations will continue. He also rejected the allegations made by Chief Minister Revanth Reddy against BJP and RSS in this regard. He also demanded that the Chief Minister should withdraw those comments and apologise. He said the party has lodged a complaint at the police station against the allegations made against BJP. The BJP also lodged a complaint against the Congress party which officially tweeted the morphed video of Mr Shah and notice was released by the Special Cell Delhi Police in this regard.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).