NCP President Ajit Pawar today unveiled the party’s manifesto for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, promising that all efforts will be made to make Maharashtra a trillion dollar economy. Addressing a press conference in Mumbai, Mr. Pawar along with senior leaders Praful Patel, Sunil Tatkare and Chhagan Bhujbal said that the manifesto has been drafted keeping in mind the welfare needs of every section of the society.
Based on the theme ‘राष्ट्रासाठी राष्ट्रवादी’, the manifesto focuses on five main principles, namely health, education, cleanliness, environment and employment.
The manifesto extends support for the Minimum Support Price to farmers. It favours the widening of the scope of the Agricultural Crop Insurance Scheme and making efforts to reduce the dependency of farmers on conventional sources of power by making a gradual shift towards solar and hydropower energy.
Further, it said that the party aims to make Maharashtra the skill development capital of India and try to double the loan amount under the Mudra Scheme. In order to make the recruitment process more transparent, it said that the party will demand a strict law to curb paper leaks.
Terming the senior citizens as a ‘silver economy’, NCP has proposed a 50 percent discount on railway and metro travel for people above 60 years of age all over the country.
As per the manifetso, the party will also take up river-linking and river-purification projects on a large scale at the national level.
The party will also take up its demands related to provision of classical language status to Marathi language, conferring of Bharat Ratna to Yashwantrao Chavan, caste based census and semi-English status to Urdu medium schools.
Praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership and governance, Mr. Pawar said that there is no challenge from the opposition to counter the charisma of Narendra Modi.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).