In Karnataka, Congress President Mallikarjuna Kharge campaigned today in Gurmitkal in Yadgir district, a part of Gulbarga parliamentary constituency. He spoke about the public distress due to price rise and unemployment in the country. He said that the Congress party is pro poor and will provide one lakh rupees to a woman in every household if the INDI alliance comes to power in the Centre. Kharge represented the Gurmitkal Assembly seat from 1972 to 2004. He said as MLA and as a Cabinet minister in the state he had electrified every village in the constituency and provided water, roads and houses to the poor. He refuted the statement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the Congress will redistribute wealth when it comes to power. He clarified that the Congress Manifesto nowhere mentions that the wealth will be confiscated and distributed to the Muslims.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).