BJP today accused Congress of spreading false narrative that it wants to take away reservation and change the constitution. Addressing a press conference in New Delhi, party MP Brij Lal alleged that Congress is doing religious appeasement and is extending reservation on religion basis to woo one particular community. He said the Constitution doesn’t talk about the reservation based on religion, however, Congress has always been against the values enshrined in the Indian Constitution. He said Congress gave OBC reservation to one particular religion in Karnataka. The BJP leader also attacked Congress over its allegation that BJP is going to change the constitution and said that it was under Congress rule when the maximum amendments and changes were brought in the Constitution. Meanwhile, Congress reiterated its allegation that BJP is going to change the constitution and abolish reservation. Party spokesperson, Supriya Shrinate told the media that ruling party is on backfoot after two phases of Lok Sabha election and it is trying to create misconception about Congress manifesto. She claimed that many BJP leaders have talked about changing the constitution recently which exposes the mindset of BJP. The Congress leader asked BJP to clarify whether it is in favour of caste-based census or not.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).