Bengaluru recorded its second-highest temperature of 38.2 degrees yesterday. The met department has said that it was on April 25 of 2016 that Bengaluru had registered a record high temperature of 39.2 degrees in the last 50 years.
The dry spell was above normal by 3.1 to 5.00 percent for nine days in this month itself. The heat conditions are above normal due to the El Nino effect and high-pressure conditions. Bengaluru had recorded 342 mm heavy rainfall during March-April last year.
This year the rains have eluded Bengaluru. According to the Met department, there is no possibility of rain in the city till May second week. It said that for the next seven days, the dry spell will continue over Karnataka.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).