Senior BJP leader and Union Minister Smriti Irani today said that the Delhi High Court judgement on AAP leader Manish Sisodia’s bail plea is a testimony that other members of the party have also been recipients of the money laundered by Mr Sisodia. Briefing media in New Delhi today, Ms Irani said, the three observations by the court in the context of bail application proves and reflects the corruption. She said, the court not only accepted but also told that Sisodia misused government machinery for corruption of 100 crore rupees. Ms Irani said, the court also observed that Manish Sisodia destroyed evidences and if given bail can also trouble the witnesses. She said, these observations of the Delhi High Court are now in the public domain and appealed to citizens is to read these substantial observations about the corruption of Manish Sisodia and the AAP. She alleged that members of the AAP were the so-called political activists who came into the corridors of power with a promise of change but ended up becoming nothing but looters of the treasury of the people.
Another party leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan targeted the opposition accusing it of doing appeasement polituis. He told media in a New Delhi that parties like Congress and TMC survive on appeasement and alleged that they are trying to seize the reservations meant for OBCs and grant it to a particular community.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).