Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Bangladesh Obaidul Hasan has decided to resign from his post. He will submit his resignation letter to the President after completing some formalities, he told the media present at the Supreme Court premises on Saturday afternoon. His decision came following a students’ protest on Saturday morning where he and judges of the Appellate Division was given an ultimatum to resign by 01 pm. Earlier on Saturday, the students, advocates and some other people gathered on the Supreme Court premises and gave the chief justice and other judges to resign by 1 pm. Otherwise, they threatened to besiege their residences. Besides, Awami League joint general secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif has congratulated the interim government led by Prof. Yunus through a Facebook post. He also urged the government to take strict measures to stop killings, looting and arson attacks across the country. The interim government has taken the oath of office after the ouster of the Awami League party-led government. Meanwhile, on Friday services resumed in 29 of the 50 police stations under the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP). However, the remaining 21 police stations are yet to start operations. Earlier on Wednesday, newly appointed Inspector General of Police (IGP) Md Mainul Islam ordered every police personnel to join their work stations within 24 hours. The next day, he urged the people to help police join the police stations.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).