The Uttar Pradesh Assembly has passed the Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion (Amendment) Bill 2024. The current amendments aim to make this Act more stringent by increasing the punishment. Earlier under the law maximum punishment was 10 years and a fine of upto 50 thousand rupees. Current amendments have increased the quantum of punishment for various religious conversion-related offences. Under this bill, a provision of punishment of 3 to 10 years has been made for illegal religious conversion in the state. At the same time, a punishment of 7 to 14 years has been fixed for mass religious conversions and religious conversions with foreign funds.
The bill also states that if for religious conversion, the life or wealth of a person is put under threat, or there is use of force or there is marriage or promise of marriage for religious conversion, punishment will range from 20 years imprisonment to life imprisonment. The bill states that if a minor, woman or a person is lured and human trafficking is done, imprisonment ranging from 20 years upto life will be given. The UP government made the first law against unlawful religious conversion in 2021.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).