In Telangana, poll parties have reached the respective reception Centres and EVMs have been kept in Strong rooms across the state after yesterday’s polling. The polling passed off peacefully as the state witnessed an incident-free polling. As per the Election authorities’ estimation, the state witnessed about 64.93 percent voter turnout. Bhongir Lok Sabha constituency polled the highest at 76.47 percent while Hyderabad recorded the lowest of 47.08 percent. Secunderabad also reported 48.11 per cent. The lone Assembly constituency, Secunderabad Cantonment, where bye-poll was held reported 50.34 percent voter turnout. However, the poll authorities are yet to announce the final figures.
State DGP Ravi Gupta in a statement said the polling process in the state completed peacefully. He informed that the polling in Leftwing extremism affected areas also concluded without any incident.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).