Telangana police has recovered as many as 30,049 mobile devices ever since the Central Equipment Identity Register portal was launched in April last year. This is the second highest in the country. The CEIR portal was developed by the Department of Telecommunications to curb the menace of mobile theft and counterfeit mobile devices and was started on pilot basis in Telangana State from April last year. In Telangana, the portal is operated in all 780 police stations of Police Units of the state. Due to efforts made by the then ADG CID Mahesh Bhagwat and current ADG, CID Shikha Goel, over 30 thousand lost or stolen mobile devices were recovered during the last one year. Of them, the last thousand were recovered in nine days and handed over to complaints.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).