In Jammu and Kashmir, the security forces today launched a search operation in the frontier district of Poonch after suspicious movement was noticed. Akashvani Jammu Correspondent reports that a joint Cordon & Search Operation (CASO) was launched after information was received about the movement of two terrorists in a remote village in the district. Two armed suspects, reportedly dressed in black were seen moving in the Salampura village near Dehra Ki Gali late Monday night. The suspected militants were seen moving towards the lower Pangai area of Thanna Mandi Sub division of Rajouri district. After getting the information, Police assisted by the Rashtriya Rifles and CRPF launched a joint search operation in the area immediately. The search operation is underway. But there has been no contact with the suspected terrorists so far. The security forces also launched a search operation at Sanai, Jangal, Pattan and adjoining villages in the Surankote area of Poonch district and the Bangar-Saroor forest in the Drabshalla area of Kishtwar district today. Worth mentioning, the Army has already deployed over 4 thousand soldiers, including highly trained elite commandos and those trained in mountain warfare, to eradicate terrorists from the hilly districts of the Jammu division. The step was taken after reports of a group of 40 to 50 hardcore foreign terrorists operating in these districts got credibility through ambush attacks carried out in Kathua, Doda, Reasi, Poonch and Rajouri.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).