The search operation for missing people in the cloudburst incident in Shimla, Mandi and Kullu districts of Himachal Pradesh is underway for the fourth day today. A total of 44 people are still missing in the cloudburst incidents in the state. Out of it, 36 people are missing in Samej area of Rampur in Shimla district. The NDRF and SDRF teams were equipped with live detector devices to find the missing people.
Deputy Commissioner of Shimla District Anupam Kashyap reviewed the current situation with the search team. He said, the force deployed for the search operation will be increased. He said that instructions have been given to the Public Works Department, Jal Shakti and Food and Supply Department to provide essential services at the affected sites. On the other hand, two bridges of the Border Roads Organisation were damaged due to a cloudburst late at night on the Darcha-Shinkula road of tribal district Lahaul-Spiti. Due to this, traffic on the Darcha-Shunkla-Zanskar road was banned.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).