In Rajasthan, the health department has issued a detailed advisory to take precautions regarding the Chandipura virus after a three-year boy tested positive in Dungarpur district. The department has also sounded alert in the Gujrat bordering districts – Udaipur, Dungarpur, Banswara, Sirohi and Jalore. Minister for Medical and Health, Gajendra Singh Khinvsar has instructed to take necessary steps to prevent this disease. The department has instructed the principals of all the medical colleges, Chief Medical and Health Officers and Principal Medical Officers to ensure necessary action as per the advisory. Additional Chief Secretary of the department, Shubhra Singh said that arrangements have been made for the prevention and treatment of this disease. According to the advisory, a patient suffering from Acute Encephalitis Syndrome must be referred to the nearest district hospital or medical college with immediate effect. If any suspicious case is found, all medical institutions will have to inform the Chief Medical and Health Officer of the district with immediate effect. It is worth mentioning that a three-year-old child was admitted to Government Medical College, Dungarpur on July 12. Based on the symptoms, his sample was sent to NIV Pune, whose report found positive two days ago. The sick child is currently healthy.
The Chandipura virus is named after the village in Maharashtra, India, where it was first identified in 1965.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).