Political fervour has intensified in the seven Lok Sabha seats of Delhi with key political figures holding Rallies, Public Meetings and Road Shows to woo the voters. BJP’s leader and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chauhan held a public meeting in Kamla Nagar area yesterday in favour of BJP’s candidate Manoj Tiwari who is contesting from North-East Delhi constituency. While, Assam Chief Minister and BJP’s leader Hemanta Biswa Sarma addressed a public meeting in Laxmi Nagar area in favor of party’s candidate Harsh Malhotra from East-Delhi parliament constituency.
BJP’s leader and Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Mohan Yadav also held a road show in support of BJP’s candidate from West Delhi Lok Sabha constituency Kamaljit Sehrawat in Matilaya area. BJP’s candidate from the New Delhi parliament constituency, Bansuri Swaraj conducted a door-to-door campaign in the Vasant Vihar area of the capital. While, BJP’s candidate from the Chandni Chowk seat, Praveen Khandelwal held a meeting with businessmen in Paharganj area.
On the other hand, senior Aam Aadmi Party leader and Rajya Sabha MP, Sanjay Singh addressed a public meeting in favour of Party’s candidate Mahabal Mishra from the West Delhi Lok Sabha seat. Aam Aadmi Party’s candidate from New Delhi Lok Sabha seat, Somnath Bharti held a public meeting in Karol Bagh area. In the East-Delhi seat, Aam Aadmi Party’s candidate, Kuldeep Kumar held a road show in Gandhi Nagar area.
Meanwhile, Congress candidate from the North East Delhi seat Kanhaiya Kumar held padyatra in Gokulpuri and Ganga Vihar areas. Congress’ candidate from Chandni Chowk Lok Sabha seat, Jai Prakash Aggarwal held a padyatra in Wazirpur JJ Colony. A total of 162 candidates are in the fray for seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi. The voting will take place on 25th May in Delhi. Counting of votes will be held on 4th June.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).