Search operations in the landslide hit Wayanad in Kerala entered the sixth day today. Four bodies were recovered yesterday, of which three were retrieved from the Chaliyar river in Nilambur. 13 dismembered body parts were also recovered from the river. More than 1260 persons belonging to the armed forces are engaged in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations in the affected areas. Police held night patrols in the landslide affected areas to prevent pilferages. Unauthorised persons are banned from entering the region.
A drone survey will be held in the landslide affected areas and for comparing it with old maps. With several layers of mud and debris accumulating, searches will be intensified based on the difference in soil levels in the region. The cabinet sub-committee camping in the region has appealed to the public not to engage in dark tourism, as it will adversely affect the rescue activities underway in the region.
Meanwhile, the state Health Department will ensure mental health support and treatment for all children in the affected region. 137 Counsellors have been deployed for this purpose. Orders have been issued that mental health protocols should be strictly followed before taking samples for DNA tests. Clinics have been set up by the State Health Department at Mundakkai and Chooralmala. The State Forest Department has deployed more personnel for the search of more bodies in the forest areas adjoining the Chaliyar river and also along the river banks.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).