In Jammu and Kashmir, the second CGHS Wellness Centre was opened at Trikuta Nagar, Jammu yesterday. Akashvani Jammu Correspondent reports that with the inauguration of the centre, attended by members of the Central Government Pensioners’ Welfare Association (CGPWA) Jammu, the long-standing struggle of Central Government pensioners for better healthcare access got addressed. Housed in a private building in Sector 4 of Trikuta Nagar, the Centre, led by Dr Shivali Sharma, aimed to alleviate the inconvenience faced by pensioners, who previously had to endure long waits at the sole CGHS Wellness Centre at Exhibition Ground, Jammu.
The establishment of this Centre followed the merger of the Postal Department Dispensaries with CGHS in 2013, a move that initially promised improved services but left Jammu without a functional Wellness Centre. CGPWA President Kuldeep Khoda commended Dr Shivali Sharma and her team for swiftly making the Centre operational, underscoring its critical role in meeting the healthcare needs of central pensioners and serving employees.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).