Copious rainfall in several parts of Karnataka has disrupted normal life. Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda who visited the rain and flood-affected Bagalkote district today has said that 1257 villages are inundated due to continuous heavy rainfall. The department has opened 64 relief camps to rehabilitate people displaced by floods and landslides. Krishna Byre Gowda has also informed that 832 houses are damaged and crops standing over 44 thousand hectares are estimated to be destroyed. The state received 26 per cent excess rainfall in this monsoon. The electricity companies in Mangaluru, Hubli and Mysuru suffered over 96 crore rupees in losses due to rainfall, landslides and floods. Bagamandala in Madikeri which is the birthplace of the Cauvery River received 245 mm rainfall during the last 24 hours. The widespread rainfall in the district has cut off many roads and bridges. Hemavathi dam in Hassan district discharged 65 thousand Cusecs of water due to heavy inflow from torrential rains in Sakleshpur and Chikmagalur where the schools and colleges remain closed as bridges and roads were submerged in water. Around 10 thousand cusecs of water were released from the Bhadra dam as the water level had reached 183 feet as against its capacity of 186 feet. Krishna, Bhadra, Cauvery rivers and many of its tributaries are in spate and people living near these rivers were shifted to safer areas.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).