Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has said that on the occasion of Hariyali Teej at Jind, his announcement of giving domestic gas cylinders for Rs 500 to about 50 lakh Antyodaya families is being made a reality. For this, an online portal has been launched today in the name of Har Ghar-Har Grihini Yojana. The women will get an annual benefit of Rs 1500 crore from this scheme. Consumers can take 12 cylinders in a year.
Chief Minister said in Chandigarh that a double-engine government aims to make the life of the poor and the last person easier. He said that the Haryana government would bear the extra amount spent on the cylinder. The subsidy will be refunded to the consumer’s account. The information about the refund will be given to the consumer through SMS on his mobile phone. Chief Minister said that consumers can take advantage of the scheme by registering on the link https.//epds.haryanafood.gov.in from home.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).