In Gujarat, the state government has decided to set up four new centres of excellence in the state to provide advanced training and guidance to farmers in horticulture. The four new centres will be set up in Amreli, Dahod, Banaskantha and Gandhinagar districts a total of Rs 40 crores.
Talking about the decision today, the state Agriculture Minister Raghavji Patel said the decision has been made to promote modern methods in planting horticultural crops to meet the demand for horticultural products. The minister added that the Training and demonstrations on new modern methods of horticulture will be held at the centres for the farmers.
With the decision, a total of 17 Centers of Excellence will be operationalized by the Horticulture Department in the state. The minister added that modern facilities such as technology-based demonstration of vegetable, fruit and spice crops, modern nurseries, crop nurseries, conservation farming demonstrations, training centres, micro-irrigation systems, water harvest structures, integrated pack houses and storage systems will be made available at these centres.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).