Central Bureau of Investigation- CBI has arrested four accused including a manager of Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL), Singrauli in Madhya Pradesh in a bribery and corruption case. It has also recovered around four crore rupees in cash during the searches from the accused manager’s residence. The agency said that the amount was allegedly amassed from several contractors and officials in lieu of favours for their operations in NCL, Singrauli.
The investigating agency said that the one of accused was running a farm in Madhya Pradesh and allegedly performing as a middleman between various contractors, businessmen and several officials of NLC, and delivering bribes to them. The agency said that several cases are registered against the accused and a CBI team has conducted searches at several places in Singrauli, Jabalpur and Noida. During the searches, a huge amount of cash, digital devices and several incriminating documents have been recovered.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).