In Madhya Pradesh, 127 candidates are left in the fray in the third phase of Lok Sabha polls. On the last day of withdrawal of nominations yesterday, 14 candidates withdrew their nominations. Meanwhile, 47 nomination papers have been filed by 28 candidates for the fourth phase so far. Meanwhile, meetings of star campaigners are being held in the election campaign in the state.
Akashvani Correspondent reports that BJP National President Jagat Prakash Nadda will be on a visit to Tikamgarh, Rewa and Satna districts in Madhya Pradesh today. Mr. Nadda will participate in public meetings and local programs. Senior BJP leader and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will campaign in Madhya Pradesh tomorrow.
On the other hand, State Congress President Jitu Patwari, former Union Minister Arun Yadav and Rajya Sabha MP Vivek Tankha will address public meetings at various places in favour of the Congress candidate in Raisen and Narmadapuram districts. In the second phase of voting to be held on April 26 in Madhya Pradesh, a total of more than one crore 11 lakh 62 thousand voters will cast their votes. So far, voter information slips containing QR codes have been distributed to more than 1 crore 10 lakh 39 thousand voters by the Election Commission.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).