Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister- designate N Chandrababu Naidu will be sworn in at 11.27 am on June 12 near Kesarapalli IT Park at Gannavaram in Krishna district. The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) had earlier planned to hold the swearing-in ceremony at Amaravati, but as a number of central leaders from the BJP and other parties have been invited and are expected to attend, the Gannavaram venue has been selected as it is close to the airport.
Chief Secretary Neerabh Kumar Prasad took stock of the arrangements for the swearing-in ceremony in a meeting with top officials at his camp office in Vijayawada. He instructed the police to provide tight security as Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Governor S. Abdul Nazeer and a host of other VIPs from across the country would be attending the event. Also, he wanted adequate parking facilities to be created on Vijayawada International Airport premises, including for helicopters in which some of the VVIPs and VIPs would be reaching the venue. Director General of Police Harish Kumar Gupta and other top officials took part in the deliberations
This will be the second time Mr Naidu will take oath as the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh post bifurcation in 2014 and the first Telugu person to take oath as Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh for the fourth time. The TDP-led NDA coalition with JSP and BJP won a landslide victory in the Assembly elections held on May 13, with the alliance winning 164 seats. The TDP alone won 135 seats, while the JSP won all 21 it contested and BJP won eight of the 10 it contested.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).