In Jammu and Kashmir, amid extraordinary arrangements of security made by the CAPFs and J&K Police, the Annual Amarnath Yatra has been proceeding peacefully and smoothly this year. Number of pilgrims who paid obeisance to Lord Shiva at Amarnath cave shrine in this year has crossed four lakh 66 thousand, surpassing the total number of pilgrims who visited the naturally formed ice lingam last year. The 33rd batch of 1477 devotees left Bhagwati Nagar Yatri Niwas base camp in Jammu for Kashmir today. Of these 377 pilgrims left for Baltal base camp and 1100 for Pahalgam base camp from where they will proceed for their further journey to the holy cave. The Yatra started on 29th last month and will conclude after 52 days on 19th next month coinciding with Shravan Purnima and Raksha Bandhan festivals.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).