A total of 889 candidates from eight states and Union Territories will contest elections in the Sixth Phase of Lok Sabha Elections. This includes 20 contesting candidates for the adjourned poll in Anantnag-Rajouri Parliamentary Constituency of Jammu and Kashmir. Election Commission said in a statement that a total of 1978 nominations were filed for 58 Constituencies going for polls in this phase.
The last date for filing nominations for this phase was 6th May. After the scrutiny of all nominations filed, 900 nominations were found to be valid. For the sixth phase, Uttar Pradesh had a maximum of 470 nomination forms from 14 Parliamentary Constituencies, followed by Haryana with 370 nominations from 10 seats. Ranchi Parliamentary Constituency in Jharkhand received the maximum number of nominations with 70 forms filed followed by North East Delhi seat with 69 nomination forms.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).