In Jammu & Kashmir, the fourth phase of voting for General Elections to 18th Lok Sabha concluded peacefully yesterday with a remarkable 37.99 percent voting in the districts of Srinagar, Ganderbal, Pulwama and Budgam and Shopian. The corresponding percentage for the last Lok Sabha election in 2019 was 14.43 percent. Presenting the details on fourth phase polling, Chief Election Officer Pandurang K Pole said, this time, there was no boycott and no polling station recorded zero percent or nil voting which speaks of people’s firm trust in the democratic system as imperative for their overall welfare.
The CEO attributed the great success behind this hugely increased polling percentage to improved security and law and order environment in last 4-5 years, mobilization by 24 candidates and political parties, election awareness executed by Deputy Commissioners and CEO office through SVEEP activities and more importantly voters strong belief that it is the vote which can lead to sustainable development.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).