In IPL cricket, Royal Challengers Bengaluru, RCB will take on the reigning champions Chennai Super Kings, CSK in their final league match at the M. Chinnaswami Stadium in Bengaluru on Saturday (18th May 2024) evening. Both the teams are eyeing a spot in the playoffs, making the encounter crucial. For CSK, a victory will ensure a place in the top four, marking their 13th playoff appearance in 15 seasons. Meanwhile, RCB face a formidable challenge, as they must defeat the visitors and outscore them in net run rate to secure a playoff berth.
Earlier, Lucknow Super Giants defeated Mumbai Indians by 18 runs at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai on Friday (17th May 2024) night.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).