India’s DP Manu and Nithya Ramraj brought home one gold and one silver medals, respectively, at the Taiwan Athletics Open 2024 on Saturday. In men’s Javelin throw, Manu clinched the gold medal with the best effort of 81.58 metres. He started the competition with a throw of 78.32. However, he secured the top spot in the competition in the sixth and final attempt, to finish with the best throw of 81.58 metres. Chao Tsun Cheng of Chinese Taipei won the silver with a throw of 76.21 metres while his compatriot Chao-Hong Huang with 71.24 metre took the bronze medal.
Meanwhile, in the women’s 100 metre hurdles, Nithya Ramraj bagged the silver medal with a timing of 13.23 seconds. Former world champion Nia Ali of USA won the gold medal after clocking 12.80 seconds, while Zhang Bo-ya of Chinese Taipei won the bronze medal with a timing of 13.28 seconds.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).