Union Textile Minister Giriraj Singh said that various initiatives are being taken to increase the domestic sale and export of handloom and handicrafts. After visiting the Handloom Expo in New Delhi, he said, Now handloom artisans are being connected with the National Institute of Fashion Technology to enable them to introduce new designs.
While talking about the response of the young generation to the handloom, he said various designs, denim, silk, etc. were introduced, and now the handloom has become a fashion for the younger generation. Mr. Giriraj Singh said India has a 90 per cent share in the overall handloom sector, with more than 35 lakh families working in this sector. As a part of the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign, he distributed national flags to the artisans and appealed to everyone to participate in this campaign.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).