Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that the Congress is snatching the reservation of the backward classes in Karnataka and giving it to the Muslim community. If the Congress government comes to power in Haryana, it will do the same thing here too. He said that this will not be allowed to happen in Haryana under any circumstances.
Mr. Shah was addressing the ‘Pichhda Varg Samman sammelan” as a chief guest at the Central University in Pali, Mahendragarh on Tuesday.
The Home Minister said that Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini’s cabinet has taken three decisions, the first decision is to increase the limit of creamy layer from 6 lakh to 8 lakh, the second is to give 8 percent reservation to group ‘A’ and 5% to group B in panchayats and the third is to give five percent reservation to group B in municipal corporations. He said that 8 percent reservation will remain as it is. He said that these three decisions are going to implement the policy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The program was presided over by Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini. Apart from him, Union Minister of State Rao Indrajit Singh, Union Minister Krishna Pal Gurjar, as well as many ministers and MLAs of Haryana were also present.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).