Several MPs in the Rajya Sabha today raised various issues of public importance during Zero Hour. Samik Bhattacharya of the BJP said the government should seriously consider the issue of migrant laborers coming to West Bengal from Bangladesh. He alleged that the state is facing a silent demographic invasion. Mr. Bhattacharya said that the demographic makeup in the border areas of West Bengal has completely changed and raised concerns that the state’s democracy, integrity, and internal security are under threat. Darshana Singh of the BJP from Uttar Pradesh raised the issue of deaths caused by open borewells. She said that urgent steps need to be taken to prevent these fatalities, particularly among children.
Congress MP from Kerala, Jebi Mather Hisham, raised the issue of a steep rise in airfares to Gulf countries and said that poor laborers and the middle class cannot afford it. She urged the government to pay immediate attention to this issue. AAP MP Sanjay Singh raised the issue of the increasing number of cancer cases in the country. Muzibulla Khan of the BJD stated that the construction of several national highways in the state of Odisha is incomplete and urged the chair to instruct the government to ensure their completion.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).