Campaigning for the fifth, sixth and seventh phases of Lok Sabha elections has intensified. Star campaigners of various political parties are leaving no stone unturned to woo the voters. Prime Minister and senior BJP leader Narendra Modi will campaign in Maharashtra today. He will hold a roadshow at Ghatkopar area in Mumbai this evening. As per the schedule announced by the BJP, he will arrive in Mumbai after holding two election rallies in Maharashtra – one in Dindori and another in Kalyan Lok Sabha constituency where Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s son Shrikant is contesting. Mr Modi’s campaign is expected to boost the BJP’s election campaign for remaining 11 Lok Sabha seats in the state including six Mumbai seats.
The Prime Minister will address a rally in Dindori, where BJP’s Bharati Pawar is contesting the Lok Sabha election. Later, Mr Modi will hold a campaign rally for Shirkant Shinde, who is contesting from the Kalyan seat, and Shiv Sena’s another candidate Naresh Mhaske, who is contesting from the Thane seat.
In Ghatkopar area, the 2.5 km long roadshow will begin from Shreyas Cinema on LBS Marg and end at Gandhi Market. The roadshow will be held as part of the election campaign for BJP’s candidate Mihir Kotecha from the Mumbai North East constituency.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).