Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be on a three day visit to Poland and Ukraine from Wednesday. Briefing media in New Delhi on Monday (19th August 2024) evening. Secretary (West) in Ministry of External Affairs Tanmay Lal said, it is a landmark visit as the Prime Minister of India is visiting Poland after 45 years. He said, the visit is taking place at a time when both nations are marking the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. The Secretary said, in Warsaw, Mr Modi will be accorded a ceremonial welcome. He said, Mr Modi will hold talks with his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk and will call on President Andrzej Duda. The Prime Minister will also interact with the Indian community, business leaders and prominent Indologists in Warsaw. Mr Modi will also visit memorials that commemorate the special relation of Poland with Jamnagar and Kolhapur.
Mr Lal said, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will undertake an official visit to Ukraine on 23rd of this month on the invitation of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He said, it is also a landmark and a historic visit since this will be the first time an Indian Prime Minister will be visiting Ukraine in more than 30 years since the diplomatic relations were established. The visit will build upon the recent high-level interactions between both the leaders.
Later replying to a media query on Russia-Ukraine conflict, Mr Lal said, India has maintained a very clear and consistent position that diplomacy and dialogue can resolve the conflict and can lead to enduring peace, so dialogue is absolutely essential. He said, lasting peace can only be achieved through options that are acceptable to both parties and it can only be a negotiated settlement. He said, India continues to engage with all stakeholders. The Secretary said, Prime Minister Modi had conversations with leaders of both Russia and Ukraine. Mr Lal stated that India is willing to provide all possible support and contribution required to help find peaceful solutions to this complex issue.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).