Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has welcomed the Supreme Court’s verdict on NEET and said truth has finally prevailed. Addressing the media over the apex court’s verdict on NEET, Mr Pradhan said, the Narendra Modi government is committed towards a transparent, tamper-free and zero-error examination system. He said government is committed to making NTA a zero-error organisation.
He stressed that those who are involved in the NEET scam will not be spared. He added that a high-level committee for a complete revamp of NTA has been formed and the committee has collected expert opinions and studied various models.
The Education Minister slammed the Congress party and alleged that party leader Rahul Gandhi tried to misguide the people of the country by casting aspersions on Indian education system. He accused Mr Gandhi of trying to create civil unrest and anarchy on the NEET issue. He asked the opposition to apologize to the students.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).