Union Minister of Power Manohar Lal Khattar has launched three online platforms to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness of power sector in New Delhi today. The portals are named as Portal for Online Monitoring of Projects – Thermal (PROMPT), Disaster Resilient Infrastructure for Power Sector (DRIPS) and JAL VIDYUT DPR.
Speaking at the launch event, the Minister emphasised that the launch of these three online portals will enable transparent, coordinated, and effective working of the power sector in the country. He further highlighted the importance of power sector as the key element towards achieving the goal of Viksit Bharat by 2047.
Mr Khattar remarked that the electricity is the key driver for the ongoing economic activities in the country. He added that the demand for power is also increasing therefore completion of ongoing schemes and a thermal project in time bound manner is extremely critical.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).