The Lok Sabha today passed the Bharatiya Vayuyan Vidheyak 2024. The Bill empowers the Central Government to make rules regulating the design, manufacture, maintenance, possession, use, operation, sale, export, or import of any aircraft or class of aircraft and to secure the safety of aircraft operations. The Bill is aimed at empowering the government to make rules for the investigation of any air accident or incident. Replying to a debate on the Bill, Union Civil Aviation Minister Kinjarapu Rammohan Naidu said that civil aviation has witnessed unimaginable growth in the last ten years under the Narendra Modi government. He informed the House that the number of airports in the country has increased from 74 in 2014 to 157 at present, which is more than double. He added that an all-time high passenger growth has been registered in the country and that India is currently the third-largest aviation economy in the world.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).