Union Home Minister Amit Shah has welcomed the announcement of the assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir. In a social media post, Mr. Shah said the central government has created a new era of peace, development, and strengthened democracy in J&K through a series of initiatives in the last ten years.
He stated that the assembly elections will further strengthen the roots of democracy and open the door to a new period of development for the Union Terrotary. He urged the people of J&K to actively participate in the elections and vote in large numbers to form a government that will sustain peace and development and ensure a brighter future for the youth.
BJP President and Union Minister J.P. Nadda said Jammu and Kashmir will move forward on a new journey of peace and progress in these polls. He appealed to all the people of the state to elect a government that ensures progress and public welfare. Mr. Nadda also welcomed the announcement of the poll schedule for the Haryana assembly polls.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).