Union Home Minister Amit Shah chaired a high-level meeting with various heads of security and Law Enforcement Agencies in New Delhi to review the functioning of Multi Agency Centre of Intelligence Bureau, responsible for tackling security challenges in the country. Addressing the meeting on Friday, Mr Shah instructed various heads of Security agencies from across the country and other Intelligence and Enforcement agencies to adopt a whole-of-the government approach towards national security. He stressed upon greater synergy between all the agencies to dismantle the terror networks and their supporting eco-system, to address the evolving security threat scenario of the country.
The Home Minister stressed upon all the participants to increase engagement in the Multi Agency Centre and make it into a cohesive platform that brings together all the law enforcement agencies, anti-drug agencies, cyber security and intelligence agencies, for decisive and prompt action. Mr Shah emphasized that the Multi Agency Centre should continue to work 24X7 as a platform for pro-active and real-time sharing of actionable intelligence, amongst various stakeholders. During the meeting, Union Home Minister also stressed on constituting a team of young, technically proficient and passionate officers drawn from all agencies involved in National Security to dismantle the terror ecosystem.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).