Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched the National Narcotics Helpline ‘MANAS’ – 1933. Through the ‘MANAS’ (Madak Padarth Nisedh Asuchna Kendra) helpline, citizens can share information on drug trafficking, and connect with the Narcotics Control Bureau anonymously 24 hours a day to get advice on de-addiction and rehabilitation. The Home Minister chaired the 7th Apex-level meeting of the Narco-Coordination Center (NCORD) in New Delhi this evening. Speaking on the occasion, he said that the fight against drugs is very important and should be fought with seriousness and priority. He emphasized Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to a drug-free India as significant. Mr. Shah stated that this battle against the drug menace presents both a challenge and an opportunity, and can be won through unity and determination.
The meeting aimed to coordinate and synergize the efforts of various central and state government agencies involved in countering drug trafficking and abuse in India.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).