External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar has said that the cooperation between Indian and Maldives has moved beyond the traditional role as Maldives is a key partner in the Indian Ocean region. Inaugurating the Addu Reclamation Project and Addu Shore Protection Project in Maldives, Dr Jaishankar said, our development cooperation is aimed at touching all facets of people’s lives in Maldives and to find ways of bringing tangible benefits to them. He said, India has partnered with the Government of Maldives on the Addu Reclamation and Shore Protection Project to find a sustainable way to develop Addu as a regional hub. Dr Jaishankar said, this ambitious program of 80 million US dollar involves reclamation for tourism development purposes as well as for the overall economic development of Addu. The Minister said, this will translate in overall growth for the region, bringing in better opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship and trade. Dr Jaishankar added that in the last few years, India has invested around 220 million US dollar in Addu, which will provide a fair idea of the importance that India attaches to regional development in Maldives.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).