Delhi police has detained several Aam Aadmi Party workers marching towards BJP headquarters in the national capital as part of Jail Bharo protest. Talking to media, DCP Central Delhi, M Harsha Vardhan said restrictions under Section 144 of CrPC have been imposed on DDU Marg, and there is no permission for any kind of protest. Security was enhanced outside BJP headquarters in view of the protest.
Addressing the gathering at AAP headquarters ahead of leading the protest march, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal accused BJP of starting a vendetta against AAP leaders. He expressed apprehension that in the coming days, AAP leaders might be arrested and party accounts may be frozen.
Delhi Traffic Police had earlier issued an advisory that traffic will remain heavy at DDU Marg, IP Marg, Minto Road and Vikas Marg. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation said that entry and exit at ITO Metro station will remain closed till further notice.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).