Centre today said so far 138 crore rupees have been returned to 17,250 claimants who have invested in Sahara India Real Estate Company and Sahara Housing Investment Corporation. This was informed by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman while replying to supplementaries during the Question Hours in Lok Sabha. She said that around 26 thousand crore rupees were amassed from 3.07 crore investors by Sahara India Finance Companies. She said that the return of the money to the investors is monitored by regulator SEBI and committees constituted by the Supreme Court. The Minister said, money is being returned to several investors and it involves Ministry of Co-operation and Corporate Affairs also. Ms. Sitharaman added the money is returned to the investors after verifying their legitimacy and veracity of documents. She said that despite so many advertisements and publicity the number of claimants is very less so the disbursement of the money is meagre.
Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).