International Labour Day Observes Today


The International Labour Day is being observed today to honour the contribution of workers across the world. It is also known as May Day. The day aims at paying tribute to workers’ sacrifices in achieving economic and social rights all over the world. It is celebrated with many festivities, including parades and parties.

In 1886, a large demonstration of labourers, demanding eight hours of daily work, was held in America, which went out of hand in Chicago with lots of people getting hurt. The incident came to be known as The Haymarket Affair and marked the start of the International Labour Day. In 1889, a lot of socialist parties in Europe came together and decided to celebrate May 1 as International Labour Day. Since then, the special day has been observed every year on the same day.

Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).

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